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DHC DHC Lip Cream (1.5g) 1
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DHC DHC Lip Cream (1.5g) from LookFantastic US

DHC Lip Cream (1.5g)

Total price$16Including shipping fee$6.5
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Product Details

DHC Lip Cream is a fast-acting conditioning lip balm that provides immediate and long-lasting hydration for your lips. Lips will be left looking more luscious and soft with the unique blend of soothing ingredients.

Containing skin-softening botanicals, this patented formula glides on to lips in one smooth motion, instantly leaving them better hydrated. Use a primer before applying lipstick or as your usual daily lip balm.

Rough and chapped lips are a thing of the past with the DHC Lip Cream that also includes Vitamin E for extra nourishment. The ingredients used in this product can help fight the signs of aging including vertical wrinkles and lines, whilst Aloe Vera will soothe and nourish any dry areas. Olive oil also helps eradicate harmful pollutants in the environment by neutralizing them and providing a protective barrier of moisture.

Gel textured lip cream glides on evenly and is the perfect product to use under or on top of lipstick for that extra touch of shine. Simply smooth directly on to the lips. This product is suitable for everyday use and can be used frequently.

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Cost: $6.5

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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