Dermablend Dermablend Poresaver Matte Makeup Primer 1
Dermablend Dermablend Poresaver Matte Makeup Primer 2
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Dermablend Dermablend Poresaver Matte Makeup Primer from Dermstore

Dermablend Poresaver Matte Makeup Primer

Total price$42Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

Create a beautiful, even canvas for your foundation with Dermablend's Poresaver™ Matte Makeup Primer. The powerful primer helps your makeup look fresh, last longer and it effectively blurs enlarged pores and oiliness to give your complexion a boost. Key Benefits: Extends makeup up to 24 hours Softens skin Absorbs excess oil Acts as a pore minimizer Vegan, non-comedogenic

Product Overview: Extends makeup up to 24 hours;Softens skin;Absorbs excess oil;Acts as a pore minimizer;Vegan, non-comedogenic

How to Use:

Skin Type & Concerns:


Brand: Dermablend

Volume: 1 x 1 fl.oz

Shipping & Returns

Your order will be shipped to you directly by Dermstore

Cost: $7

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

Return Policy

You will be able to return your item directly to Dermstore.

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