David Yurman DY Madison Chain Necklace in Sterling Silver 1
David Yurman DY Madison Chain Necklace in Sterling Silver 2
David Yurman DY Madison Chain Necklace in Sterling Silver 3
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David Yurman DY Madison Chain Necklace in Sterling Silver 1
David Yurman DY Madison Chain Necklace in Sterling Silver 2
David Yurman DY Madison Chain Necklace in Sterling Silver 3
David Yurman DY Madison Chain Necklace in Sterling Silver from Saks Fifth Avenue

DY Madison Chain Necklace in Sterling Silver

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Product Details

In the DY Madison® Collection, classic chain takes on new life under the artful eye and skillful hand of David Yurman. This sculpted design features alternating Cable and smooth links.

Sterling silver

Necklace, 8.5mm

Push clasp



David, a sculptor, and his wife, Sybil, a painter, launched their innovative jewelry brand in 1980 in New York City. Since then, the American design house has pioneered cutting-edge collections-from its iconic combination of sterling silver and diamonds to signature pinky rings. Today, with their son Evan, the Yurmans continue to deliver timeless pieces inspired by nature, art, ancient symbols and Manhattan's stunning architecture.

In the DY Madison® Collection, classic chain takes on new life under the artful eye and skillful hand of David Yurman. This sculpted design features alternating Cable and smooth links.Sterling silverNecklace, 8.5mmPush claspImportedABOUT THE BRANDDavid, a sculptor, and his wife, Sybil, a painter, launched their innovative jewelry brand in 1980 in New York City. Since then, the American design house has pioneered cutting-edge collections-from its iconic combination of sterling silver and diamonds to signature pinky rings. Today, with their son Evan, the Yurmans continue to deliver timeless pieces inspired by nature, art, ancient symbols and Manhattan's stunning architecture.

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