Culturelle Culturelle Kids Purely Probiotics Chewable Tablets, 60 ct. 1
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Culturelle Culturelle Kids Purely Probiotics Chewable Tablets, 60 ct. 13
Culturelle Culturelle Kids Purely Probiotics Chewable Tablets, 60 ct. from Sam's Club

Culturelle Kids Purely Probiotics Chewable Tablets, 60 ct.

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Total price$19.98free shipping badgeFree shipping
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Product Details

Highlights: From the #1 Pediatrician Recommended Probiotic Brand† Proven to increase children's natural defense systems, providing a boost to their immune system Key ingredient is clinically proven to help reduce occasional tummy troubles, including diarrhea LGG strain has been shown to form a strong barrier in the digestive tract Promotes the presence of good bacteria in the digestive tract

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