Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 1
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 2
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 3
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 4
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 5
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 6
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 7
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 8
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Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 1
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 2
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 3
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 4
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 5
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 6
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 7
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer 8
Clarins Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer from Saks Fifth Avenue

Precious La Crème Age-Defying Moisturizer

Total price$400free shipping badgeFree shipping
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Product Details


This luxurious face cream, infused with rare Moonlight Flower cryoextract and enriched with a trio of biomimetic peptides, leaves skin looking firm, smooth, and radiant.1.7 oz. Made in France.


To preserve the purity of La Crème, use the applicator tool to transfer a small amount of the product to the palm. Avoid using fingers. Dip the applicator tool into the crème, and transfer it to the palm. Bring the product to skin temperature by warming it between the hands; then deeply inhale the uplifting aroma. Use the natural weight of the hands to distribute the formula evenly over the face, neck, and décolleté. Cover the entire face with both hands and apply gentle press-and-release movements with open palms, to boost circulation and drain toxins. Place one hand across the neck and use the same draining press-and-release technique, with palms opening outwards. Repeat on the other side.


Skin appears 5 years younger after 3 months*After 1 month:-44% wrinkles**+86% radiance**Clinical Results:***+23% improvement in skin firmness after 14 days+13% improvement in skin elasticity after 14 days+39% improvement in skin firmness after 28 days-11% reduction of Glabellar wrinkles after 3 months-24% reduction of the Nasolabial fold after 3 months*Clinical test, 36 women after 3 months of using La Crème (based on Clarins Skin Aging Index assessed on 129 women).**Self-assessment, 1 month, 113 women, using La Crème. ***Clinical test, 32 women

WHAT IT ISThis luxurious face cream, infused with rare Moonlight Flower cryoextract and enriched with a trio of biomimetic peptides, leaves skin looking firm, smooth, and radiant.1.7 oz. Made in France.HOW TO USE ITTo preserve the purity of La Crème, use the applicator tool to transfer a small amount of the product to the palm. Avoid using fingers. Dip the applicator tool into the crème, and transfer it to the palm. Bring the product to skin temperature by warming it between the hands; then deeply inhale the uplifting aroma. Use the natural weight of the hands to distribute the formula evenly over the face, neck, and décolleté. Cover the entire face with both hands and apply gentle press-and-release movements with open palms, to boost circulation and drain toxins. Place one hand across the neck and use the same draining press-and-release technique, with palms opening outwards. Repeat on the other side.RESEARCH RESULTSSkin appears 5 years younger after 3 months*After 1 month:-44% wrinkles**+86% radiance**Clinical Results:***+23% improvement in skin firmness after 14 days+13% improvement in skin elasticity after 14 days+39% improvement in skin firmness after 28 days-11% reduction of Glabellar wrinkles after 3 months-24% reduction of the Nasolabial fold after 3 months*Clinical test, 36 women after 3 months of using La Crème (based on Clarins Skin Aging Index assessed on 129 women).**Self-assessment, 1 month, 113 women, using La Crème. ***Clinical test, 32 women

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