Christophe Robin Christophe Robin Purifying Shampoo with Jujube Bark Extract 250ml 1
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Christophe Robin Christophe Robin Purifying Shampoo with Jujube Bark Extract 250ml 1
Christophe Robin Christophe Robin Purifying Shampoo with Jujube Bark Extract 250ml 2
Christophe Robin Christophe Robin Purifying Shampoo with Jujube Bark Extract 250ml 3
Christophe Robin Christophe Robin Purifying Shampoo with Jujube Bark Extract 250ml from LookFantastic US

Christophe Robin Purifying Shampoo with Jujube Bark Extract 250ml

Total price$44.5Including shipping fee$6.5
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Product Details

Rebalance and refresh the hair and scalp with Christophe Robin's Purifying Shampoo; a lightweight, innovative formula that works to eliminate dandruff and relieve itching.

Suitable for daily use, its unique, natural blend of Jujube Bark, from a tree whose properties have been recognised for thousands of years and Cherry Flower Extract provides instant anti-dandruff action to minimize flaking. At the heart of the formula is a 100% natural active ingredient to regulate excess sebum and soothe the scalp for long-lasting comfort. The shampoo can be used in harmony with the Purifying Scalp Scrub to provide a targeted dandruff treatment.

The gentle formula lathers into a delicate foam for a relaxing and pleasant shower experience. Ideal for hair with greasy roots and drier ends, you can expect touchably soft, radiant locks and a calm, restored scalp. The shampoo creates a fresh feeling to revitalize your locks with beautiful shine and bounce from root to tip.

Paraben, silicone and SLS free.

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Cost: $6.5

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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