Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated 3-Part Server 1
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Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated 3-Part Server 1
Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated 3-Part Server from Saks Fifth Avenue

Malmaison Silver Plated 3-Part Server

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Product Details

From the Malmaison Collection. Malmaison is the ultimate empire provincal collection. It is named after the castle which was a favorite vacation spot for Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and Empress Josephine. Its adornment entails illustrations of water leaves and lotus flowers. The symmetrical structure of the decor is typical of the empire style. This silver-plated serving dish has three attached bowls perfect for snacks, sauces and condiments.

Silver plated

Wipe clean



Diameter of each bowl, 4.5"

From the Malmaison Collection. Malmaison is the ultimate empire provincal collection. It is named after the castle which was a favorite vacation spot for Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and Empress Josephine. Its adornment entails illustrations of water leaves and lotus flowers. The symmetrical structure of the decor is typical of the empire style. This silver-plated serving dish has three attached bowls perfect for snacks, sauces and condiments.Silver platedWipe cleanImportedSPECIFICATIONSDiameter of each bowl, 4.5"

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