Cellex-C Cellex-C Under Eye Toning Gel 1
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Cellex-C Cellex-C Under Eye Toning Gel 1
Cellex-C Cellex-C Under Eye Toning Gel from Dermstore

Cellex-C Under Eye Toning Gel

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Product Details

Under-Eye Toning Gel is an azure blue liquid gel containing proprietary plant complexes specifically chosen for their exceptional ability to stimulate and tone the skin around the eye area. Combats dark circles and under-eye puffiness caused by late nights, stress, water-retention, allergies, colds or sinus problems. Benefits: Helps reduce dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Use after a stressful day or before a special event. Soothing and relaxing on tired eyes. Computer video screens can cause puffiness and red-eyes because the static they give out attracts dust and pollutants. Helps neutralize and soothe away irritation caused by dust, pollen and cigarette smoke. All of these agents may contribute to dark circles by triggering a release of chemicals which swell the tissue around the eyes in an attempt to reduce irritation. Helps decongest, firm and tighten swollen, slack skin around eyelids. Suitable for both men and women.

Product Overview: Helps reduce dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Use after a stressful day or before a special event.;Soothing and relaxing on tired eyes. Computer video screens can cause puffiness and red-eyes because the static they give out attracts dust and pollutants.;Helps neutralize and soothe away irritation caused by dust, pollen and cigarette smoke. All of these agents may contribute to dark circles by triggering a release of chemicals which swell the tissue around the eyes in an attempt to reduce irritation.;Helps decongest, firm and tighten swollen, slack skin around eyelids. Suitable for both men and women.

How to Use: Apply Under-Eye Toning Gel by gently rolling the applicator tip around the orbital bone which encircles your eye. Take care not to get close to the inner or outer corner of your eye.;Apply make-up if desired. If necessary, Under-Eye Toning Gel may be applied over make up during the day.;After use, keep the cap tightly closed.;Avoid rich moisturizers especially when the weather is very warm and humid. These conditions tend to encourage water retention and puffy looking eyes.


Brand: Cellex-C

Volume: 10 ml / 0.33 fl. oz.

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