Bey-Berk Cigar Design Porcelain Ashtray 1
Bey-Berk Cigar Design Porcelain Ashtray 2
Bey-Berk Cigar Design Porcelain Ashtray 3
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Bey-Berk Cigar Design Porcelain Ashtray 1
Bey-Berk Cigar Design Porcelain Ashtray 2
Bey-Berk Cigar Design Porcelain Ashtray 3
Bey-Berk Cigar Design Porcelain Ashtray from Macy's

Cigar Design Porcelain Ashtray

Total price$54.6Including shipping fee$10.95
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Product Details

Elevate your smoking experience and showcase your style with this exquisite ashtray that embodies luxury and sophistication. Its sleek black color and porcelain finish adds a touch of luxury to any environment, whether it's your home, office, or private smoking lounge. The subtle, yet striking, gold accents elevate the design, adding an air of opulence and refinement. The meticulously crafted cigar design at the center of the ashtray pays homage to the passion, culture, and artistry that surrounds cigars. Beyond its elegant design, this ashtray is a functional masterpiece. With multiple cigar rests, it provides ample space for you and your guests to enjoy your smoking experience comfortably.

Cigar Design

Porcelain Ashtray

Approx. dimensions: 7.5"L x 6.25"W x1.25"H

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