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beautyblender beautyblender beautyblender pro from Dermstore

beautyblender beautyblender pro

Total price$27Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

Everything you've come to expect and love from the original beautyblender® is now in the beautyblender pro. Developed to apply the same seamless makeup application, this black sponge tackles bronzers and self-tanners without leaving any stains or residue on your sponge. Here's how it works: open cells absorb water and make the sponge double in size. Once wet, you bounce the sponge in your makeup and then apply it to your face. This supplies a smooth, streak-free application of liquid, cream and powder products. Pro tip: use the pointed tip for those hard-to-reach places like your nose and under eyes, and the rounded end to cover a larger surface like your forehead and cheeks.

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Brand: beautyblender

Shipping & Returns

Your order will be shipped to you directly by Dermstore

Cost: $7

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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You will be able to return your item directly to Dermstore.

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