Augustinus Bader Augustinus Bader The Eye Patches 6 Sachets 1
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Augustinus Bader Augustinus Bader The Eye Patches 6 Sachets from Dermstore

Augustinus Bader The Eye Patches 6 Sachets

Total price$130free shipping badgeFree shipping
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Product Details

Revitalizing hydrogel eye patches that instantly hydrate, brighten, and plump, while reducing the appearance of dark circles, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation. Powered by TFC8®, Trigger Factor Complex TFCTM.

Product Overview:

How to Use: Apply on clean, dry skin 2-3 times per week, or as desired.;Apply the patches under the eyes.;Leave on for 20 minutes.;Follow with your Augustinus Bader skincare routine.


Brand: Augustinus Bader

Volume: 100ml

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Your order will be shipped to you directly by Dermstore

Cost: Free Shipping

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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