Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade 1
Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade 2
Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade 3
Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade 4
Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade 5
Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade 6
1 / 6
preivew DIPBROW Pomade color
color Ebony (black hair with warm undertone) 0
Ebony (black hair with warm undertone)
color Auburn (red hair with dark undertone) 1
Auburn (red hair with dark undertone)
color Chocolate (med hair with warm/gold undertones) 2
Chocolate (med hair with warm/gold undertones)
color Blonde (blonde hair with warm/gold undertones) 3
Blonde (blonde hair with warm/gold undertones)
color Dark Brown (dark brown hair with warm undertone) 4
Dark Brown (dark brown hair with warm undertone)
color Medium Brown (medium brown hair with cool/ash undertones) 5
Medium Brown (medium brown hair with cool/ash undertones)
color Soft Brown (light brown hair with warm/cool undertones) 6
Soft Brown (light brown hair with warm/cool undertones)
color Taupe (blonde hair with cool/ash undertones) 7
Taupe (blonde hair with cool/ash undertones)
color Caramel (red hair with light undertone) 8
Caramel (red hair with light undertone)
color Ash Brown (grey hair with cool/ash undertones) 9
Ash Brown (grey hair with cool/ash undertones)
color Granite (black with cool undertone) 10
Granite (black with cool undertone)
Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade 1
Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade 2
Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade 3
Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade 4
Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade 5
Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade 6
Anastasia Beverly Hills DIPBROW Pomade from Macy's


Total price$33.95Including shipping fee$10.95
Select Color
Ebony (black hair with warm undertone)
Auburn (red hair with dark undertone)
Chocolate (med hair with warm/gold undertones)
Blonde (blonde hair with warm/gold undertones)
Dark Brown (dark brown hair with warm undertone)
Medium Brown (medium brown hair with cool/ash undertones)
Soft Brown (light brown hair with warm/cool undertones)
Taupe (blonde hair with cool/ash undertones)
Caramel (red hair with light undertone)
Ash Brown (grey hair with cool/ash undertones)
Granite (black with cool undertone)
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Product Details

Waterproof brow color ideal for sculpting, defining, and carving perfectly precise brows that won't fade. Smudge-free, creamy formula glides on skin and adheres to hair. Must-have for oily skin and humid climates. Tighten cap to prevent drying.

Smooth application, waterpoof, smudge-proof, can be used as brow definer and as eye liner.

Shipping & Returns

Your order will be shipped to you directly by Macy's

Cost: $10.95

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

Return Policy

You will be able to return your item directly to Macy's.

See more on Macy's.

For complete details, see our Shipping and Returns policies.

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