African Botanics Intense Skin Repair Balm 1
African Botanics Intense Skin Repair Balm 2
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African Botanics Intense Skin Repair Balm 1
African Botanics Intense Skin Repair Balm 2
African Botanics Intense Skin Repair Balm from bluemercury

Intense Skin Repair Balm

Total price$87Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

A Reparative Beauty Balm Designed For Reactive and Dehydrated Skin

A reparative, concentrated balm melts into a dense silky serum to target wrinkles, loss of firmness, redness, hyper-pigmentation and scars. Designed to help skin cope with stressful weather conditions and aggressions of everyday life: extreme temperature fluctuations, sun exposure, dry or/and polluted environments, skin irritations, sleep deprivation and jet lag. 100% Vegan and Cruelty-Free. Scent: Jasmine, earthy, herbaceous  Texture: Solid Oil/Balm

Targeted for firming, lifting, and addressing concerns such as acne, scars, and hyperpigmentation.Offers anti-inflammatory properties and support restructuring and regeneration of the skin.


Use in both morning (AM) and evening (PM).Warm a pea-sized amount of balm between your fingertips.Massage it thoroughly onto cleansed, damp skin, including the face, neck, and décolleté.Allow it to absorb by massaging upward and outward for a few minutes to promote circulation.Reapply as needed for additional moisture and protection.Can be applied around the eye area for added benefits and used as an intense lip treatment.Dab it over eyeshadows to create a glossy look.Pat it over the cheekbones to achieve dewy highlights.Brush it through brows to tame and condition them.

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Cost: $7

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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